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Friday, 4 July 2014

5 Reasons Why You Are Beautiful

1. You are you: As clichè as it sounds it's absolutely true. You are always the most beautiful version of yourself when you are being yourself.

2. God made you: God only makes beautiful things and he never makes any mistakes. The Bible evem says that God makes everything beautiful in His time. You are part of that "everything."

3. You are passionate: Have you ever noticed (or maybe it's just me, but whatever) that when a guy is genuinely passionate about something he loves, he becomes 1,000 times more attractive? Well, it's the same for you. It doesn't matter what you're passionate about--poetry, soccer, baking, science, playing an instrument, or watching Doctor Who (this is me!). When you're really passionate about something, your eyes will light up and your countenance will glow and you will be just absolutely breathtaking.

4. You are real: You've probably never had plastic surgery because you didn't like your body, you've probably never crash dieted so you can be underweight enough to qualify as a model, and I doubt you use Auto Tune on a daily basis to change you singing voice. Well, guess what. Congratulations! You're real. You are a real teenage girl. Be proud of that.

5. You are unique: This is probably the hardest one to accept when you're trying so hard to fit in. Unique means "different." Why would ANYONE want to be different?
No, the real question is, "Why would you want to fit in when you were born to stand out?"
You don't have to be the Tumblr Girl, or the Sporty Chick, or the Popular Girl, or the Pageant Queen, or the Cheerleader (I'm not hating on any of these groups, by the way. I was a cheerleader before.).
You can be the girl whose nose is always in a book because you would rather read it than watch the movie that totallyr ruins the story anyway. You can be the girl on the swim team that always wears her hair in a messy bun and never wears makeup because she's in the water so much it would just wash off anyway. You can be the girl with the My Little Pony stickers all over her book bag that the cute little kids that she babysits decorated for her and she wants to show off the good work they did. You can be the girl who answers all of the questions in math class because she studied, even though everyone else calls her a "nerd" or a "miss know-it-all." Who cares? It's better to know something than to know nothing at all. You can be the girl who embraces her naturally curly hair because she likes it instead of straightening it because everyone else likes it.
Just saying, it's okay to be unique. It's not a crime!

I hope this helped you all today. But I do have one more thing to say.

I have a CHALLENGE for you all. If you read this I want you to post a picture on any and every social networking site that you can. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, whatever.

I want you to post a picture of yourself the the hashtag/caption #IAmBeYOUtiful. If someone asks you what "BeYOUtiful" means, tell them what it means to you. Tell them that it means that you can be unique because it's better than being like everyone else. Tell them that it means that you can wear your hair natural every day because you like it that way. Tell them that it means that being called a "nerd" in class is better then failing the next history quiz. Inspire someone today and let them know that they are beautiful, too. And remember, have fun and make sure you actually believe the hashtag when you post the picture.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone, and happy Fourth of July!

Sunday, 1 June 2014

The Girl in the Mirror

I hope that some of you have been reading my previous post about dealing with sadness, and gaining confidence, and trouble with boys and I hope that by now some of you will trust me. Maybe you have even taken some of my advice and it has worked for you. And hope that you know that I am writing all of this to help you. I don't want to make fun of you. I'm not trying to cause drama. I'm not going to rub any if you faults in your face because we all have faults and I have no room to talk.
I also hope that you trust me. I am going to tell you to do something but you have to trust me enough to know that I'm not going to tell you to eat a handfull of bugs or drink a gallon of shampoo or something. But I want you to promise me something. And I mean PROMISE. I want you to promise me that before you read any further you will do EVERYTHING that I am about to tell you to do. Okay. Did you make that promise?
I mean it. I want you to promise that no matter how strange or difficult it is that you will promise me that you will do eveything I tell you to do.

Okay, I want you to take out a pen and a piece of paper and start writing. I want you to write down everything that you don't like about yourself, everything you wish you could change, everything that you just absolutely hate. Your hair, your laugh, your body, your teeth, your shyness, your socially anxiety. I want you to be very specific with it.

Then I want you to imagine something. Imagine yourself in 15 years. You are doing your dream job. Married maybe. Maybe you have a few kids. You are more mature and wise than you are now. Imagine you are successful and stronger then you are now. Because right now you hate everything about yourself, you are uncertain of your future, you may even be suicidal because you just can't handle it anymore. Life is just too hard.

Once you get the perfect picture in your mind of where you will be in 15 years I want you to imagine what you will look like in 15 years. Maybe you dyed your hair. Maybe you changed your wardrobe or you decided to start wearing a little makeup. I want you to get a good picture. Close your eyes if you have to. But I want that picture in your head to be vivid.

Okay, now that you have that future version of you in your mind's eye I want you to get up from where you are and take that list that you made earlier and go to a mirror. Then I want you to look in that mirror right in your eyes. The girl in the mirror is you right now. The sad girl. The one who thinks she isn't pretty. The one who hates herself for the things she does. The girl who is bullied every single day of her life. The girl that thinks she is never going to get a boyfriend because she doesn't feel like she is good enough. The girl who is seriously considering ending it all because she thinks no one will ever even notice.

So if you are the girl in the mirror then who is the girl standing on the other side of the mirror? That, my friend, is your future self. The doctor. The amazing wife and mother. The marine biologist. The author. The psycologist. The baker. The successful small business owner. The awesome aunt. The musician. The older, wiser, stronger version of yourself.

Look yourself in the eyes and tell the younger version of yourself that it's going to be okay. It's all going to work out in the end. It may hurt right now, it may be tough to deal with, it may even seem impossible to live with. But how are you going to get THERE if you aren't HERE?

Take that list and tell the girl in the mirror the exact opposite of what you wrote on there. Kind of like this:

You wrote "I'm ugly" but you would tell her "You are absolutely gorgeous."

You wrote " I hate myself because I don't look like the popular girls" but you would say "You don't need to look like the 'popular' girls to be beautiful."

You wrote "I'm fat" but you would tell the girl in the mirror "You are not fat. You are healthy and strong."

You wrote "I will never get a boyfriend" but you tell her "You need to just wait for the right guy who will love you for who you are."

You wrote "I will never amount to anything because I'm dumb" but you would say to her "You are not dumb. You are very bright. Pay attention in school and study hard. You can do it."

Keep going through the whole list. And I want you to repeat each one until you can make yourself believe it. And why wouldn't you believeit? It's all true. If you can make youself believe that you are ugly, you can definitely convince yourself that you are beautiful.

The next step is to write yourself reminders and put them in places where you will actually see them. Don't keep them in a notebook that you will never open again. Write it on Post-it notes and put them in your room, in your locker, in your purse, on your mirror.

The one on your mirror would say, "You are beautiful. Remember that."

The one in your locker would say, "You are very smart. Apply yourself and study hard and you will achieve great things."

The last thing I want you to do is take that list with all those negative things written on it and tear it up. Shred it to little pieces. I want you to relish ever single second of it. They are all LIES, after all, so why would you keep them?

Just remember that all of those lies that you have convinced yourself of believing took a long time to take affect. You didn't just wake up one morning and think to yourself "I'm such a loser and no one likes me." You have been telling yourself that for probably a few years. I know I have and I can't be the only the person in the world who has done that. It's easier to put the put yourself down instead of someone else because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But you are. You're hurting your own feelings and that 's not a good thing to do. It hurts you probably more than when other people say hurtful things to you. Because you know exactly how to say something that will make believe. You know exactly what gets under you skin.

All that being said, you can learn to convice youself of the truth. It's not going to happen overnight. You need to tell yourself these things everyday.

I'm just going to share with you one illustration. Imagine an artist has just finished a painting that he put so much time into creating. He would work on it for hours at a time. He spent a good deal of money on new paints and a canvas. He took pride in every little detail if his masterpiece. Then he gave it to the person he loves the most-his wife. But instead of admiring the painting, she criticized everything that she didn't like about it. The painter feels absolutely crushed.

Imagine how God feels when you say that you hate yourself, when you say that you are ugly, when you constanly criticize everything about yourself, when you physically harm yourself.

When I put it into perspective like this, it makes me sad to think how I have hurt God when I only thought I was hurting myself.

I know that it's going to be hard trying to get yourself to believe the truth when you have been believing those lies for so long. But I want you to promise me that you won't give up. You're gonna make it. And if we are the only two people in the whole world that believe in you then I think that's pretty awesome. Even if you don't beleive in you, I want you to know that I always will.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

5 Ways to Have an Amazing Summer

I know a lot of my friends are on summer vacation or will be starting it in a few weeks so I decided that I would write a blog post about how to have a great summer. Honestly, who needs tips on that? I mean, seriously, you are probably just so ready to be done with school that you don't even care about having a good and productive summer. You just don't want to have to wake up early every morning and stay up late studying all night. I totally get that. I was the same way on summer vacation. One summer, I read for at least 5 hours a day. I'm not even exaggerating. I loved to read and that's all I would do. But now I look back and think, "Wow. I did nothing that summer." And honestly, I can't think of one book that I read that summer. Don't get me wrong. Reading is a great thing to do and I still enjoy it very much, but I don't think that reading 10 romance novels a week is something that I can be proud of.

So if you want to know how to have a great summer just follow these five simple tips!

1. Do something new
Summer is the best time to try something new. You don't have to worry about school, homework, or extracurricular activities. You can pretty much make your own schedule (unless you are working). Pick something that you have always wanted to do and just do it! It doesn't even have to cost any money. Here are just a few ideas of what you can do for the summer (these are some things I have always wanted to do myself!).

~Volunteer to read stories to kids at your local library
~Record fashion vlogs and upload them to YouTube
~Teach myself to play a new instrument
~Go on a picnic with my friends
~Dip dye your hair with Kool-aid
~Write a story
~Rearange and organize your bedroom
~Make a scrapbook
~Start a diary
~Make one of your favourite foods from scratch
~Run a 5K

Make your own summer bucket list and try to do as many things on it as possible!

2. Learn something new
Okay, so if you're anything like me you are probably thinking, "No, I'm done learning. School is over and I don't want to learn another thing!" But learning something new doesn't always mean academics. You can learn how to play an instrument, or learn how to sew. Take art lessons maybe. Learn how to make build something or even learn a different language (and, no, Pig Latin doesn't count!)  You might even want to (dare I say it) take some free courses online for something you might want to study later on in life, just to kind of get an understand of some things that you are interested in. I found a website that will take let you search for some online courses in a lot of different things and they are all free!
Learning doesn't always have to be school related. Keep an open mind and be curious. Learn something new every day!

3. Stay out of trouble
Now this one should be understandable. If you stay out of trouble you won't get grounded. But what if you sneak around and don't get caught? No one will know and you won't get grounded! Wrong, girlfriend! Don't ruin your summer, or your life, by one stupid decision you make. Now I know that everyone makes mistakes. Trust me. Been there, done that, and still doing it. I say dumb things all the time and do dumb things. But that's not what I'm talking about. Think ahead. Don't hang out with that chick if she has a bad reputation. Don't go to that party if you know they are probably going to have alcohol. Drugs are bad news, love. And that lifeguard you met on the beach who tells you he loves you the same day you met him? Please, girl. You aren't Anna of Arendale and this isn't a Disney Princess movie (sorry, I had to make a Frozen referrence somewhere!). Sure he is probably some gourgeous sun tanned, blue eyed, blond haired, smooth talking hunk of incredibly attractive gorgeousness, but really? Be careful, girl. You can't trust everyone. And a little summer fling isn't worth your time. And just another sidenote. Be hard to get. The guys that aren't worth it want the easy girls, but the guys who are worth waiting for are the ones who will work for that hard to get girl. Be that girl! 

4. Stay healthy
I am the main culprit of saying that I will be healthy and eat healthy while I sit on the couch marathoning a whole season of Doctor Who with a jar of Nutella in my hands (and, yes, marathoning, is a word. I made it up right now.)
But in all seriousness, stay healthy, be active, eat nutritious food, get enough sleep. Sometimes it's hard during the summer when all you want to do is sleep in, watch TV all day, and browse Pinterest all day instead of going swimming or riding your bike. It's hard to be healthy when you have a graduation party every weekend. And sometimes it's hard to get enough sleep when you have sleepovers every Friday and stay up all night eating ice cream and talking about boys.
Make goals. Have a plan. Set boundaries.
~Try to be active for at least 1 hour a day.
~Try a new physical activity each week like one of these:
~Drink PLENTY of water: at least 8 glasses a day. No one wants to be in the hospital for a few days because they were dehydrated.
~Make rules for yourself when eating at parties. These are some of mine and you can adopt a few or set some of your own.
::If there are fruits or vegetables served eat at least 2 of each
::Only have one can/glass of soda or tea
::Drink water a majority of the time
~Wake up at approximately the same time everyday, especially when it gets closer to the next school year. It will be easier to get up at the right time when you have to go back to school again.

Not only will staying healthy make you feel better during the summer, you will boost your immune system and, lowering your risk for getting sick. You don't want to miss any parties because you're sick and you don't want to be miserable on vacation because you don't get enough sleep. Stay healthy this summer!

5. Make Memories
This one is a given, but sometimes you are constantly doing so much stuff and trying to make everything perfect that you forget to have fun and make memories. Loosen up and just go for it. Be adventurous!
Don't just be behind the camera, be in the pictures too. Make "video diaries" of your adventures. Write about it in your journal. Just have fun and make a point to remember it.

I hope you keep some of these tips in mind this summer.

**Also I want to know what you all are doing this summer for fun. Let me know in the comments or if you are blogging or vlogging your adventures, just link your site in the comments and I will check it out. I would love to know what you all like to do for fun!

**If you are reading on Pinterest you can comment on there as well.

{Have a lovely summer, everyone!}

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Boy Problems?

If any of you follow me on Pinterest, you may have seen a post that have seen my board called "iCare". I made this group board so people can ask me for advice and so that they can give it to other people as well. To be expected, one of the most popular topics of requested advice was on the subject of (you guessed it) boys. So in this post I will answer some of those questions that I have gotten (in a more general matter, omitting names and personal information) and answer some questions that may not have been asked by anyone, but I know that some of you are thinking (mainly because I am a mind-reader). I won't answer every question that has been asked about the topic in this post. Some things you will have to ask you parents about or come to your own conclusion about. And I'm just going to warn you now. Some of these questions don't have a "right answer" so I will give you my own opinion. I may not have all the answers right, and not everyone's advice is going to match up. So, if you have to make a big decision, my advice would be to get ask for direction from trustworthy sources like the Bible, your parents, and other authorities in your life. And don't hate me for saying this, but sometimes your very own best friend shouldn't be your only source of guidance when it comes to relationship advice.

Q: "I like this boy who is always flirting with me, but everyone says that he is a 'player'. What should I do?"

A: It happens. Don't think I am a horrible person that flirts with everything that wears pants, but honestly, flirting is fun. It's part of our makeup as females. That's what we do and that's where our charm comes into play. But usually when a guy has the reputation of being a "ladies man" or a "player" it's not charming at all. To me, a guy that likes to just play around with girls is just looking to have a little fun, not really caring if he hurts anyone along the way. Don't get me wrong. Not every guy that flirts a lot is selfish and manipulative. They may be really nice guys. Just keep in mind that guys get insecure at times, too and flirting may be their way of coping with their insecurities.
My advice to you would be to just  be friends for now. You may not know his motives. He may be just trying to get your attention because he is too shy to actually tell you how he feels about you because he doesn't know how. But if he has a reputation of being a "player", you wouldn't want to be the victim of his scheme if he suddenly turns on you if you get too close. Just be aware. And who knows. He might just grow out of this lifestyle. It could very well be a phase. Just remember that you all are young. Work at growing healthy friendships and keeping yourself for that special guy that will come along in God's timing.

Q: "My crush is on Facebook. Should I message him?"

A: This one is a little hard to answer. Really, the answer depends on a few things. One, if you aren't allowed to text boys because of your parent's rules, then Facebook messaging counts, too. Don't be sneaky!
The second has to do with your friendship with this guy. If you have 3rd period algebra class with him but you have never talked or if he is the quarterback on the football team and he doesn't know that you exist, it probably isn't the best idea to profess your love to him over a Facebook message. Yeah, I believe that is classified as stalking.
But if you two are friends or even close acquaintances (if that even makes sense) then maybe you can start a conversation. Just remember to be yourself, though. Don't try to be an expert in something that you don't have a clue about. For example, if he is really interested in football, don't try to start a conversation about how you are so disappointed about how the NFL draft played out. You will eventually start running out of things to Google while you try to answer his questions. Don't be one girl in person and another girl online. He will eventually figure out the difference.
Also, don't confess your feelings to him via social media. It's not the best idea. Sure, you may be shy and you can't tell him in person, but then what happens when he sees you at school and he wants to talk to you about it? Awkward! Keep the conversations friendly and appropriate.  Trust me on this one. I've learned from experience. And don't think I'm going to tell you all the whole story. I' m still mildly humiliated by the situation. Maybe when I am about fifty years old I will be able to tell you about it. But for now, you will have to just take my word for it.

Q: "When is the right time to start dating?"

A: That is a very good question...a really good one....

Okay, just kidding. I'm not going to run away from that question so easily. In my opinion, you should follow your parent's rule on dating. I don't care if your dad's rule is that you can't data until you are married, like my dad's rule is. He is just joking though (at least I hope he is!). Respect your parents' decision on this. They have already been there before and I know that they have had their fair share of mistakes growing up. They want what's best for you.
Just a little secret. My parents' (real) standard on the age of when my siblings and I could start dating is college age. I wasn't allowed to date in high school. And let me tell you another secret. I'm still alive! Isn't that awesome? I made it through my high school years without ever having a boyfriend. It is possible to make it.
And don't think that you aren't "cool" because you are single. Don't feel left out because all of your closest friends have boyfriends and you don't.  Honestly, wouldn't you rather meet the guy of your dreams at the right time instead of settling for someone who you don't actually really like just because he said that you were pretty. Set your standards high. And if that right guy doesn't come into your life until late in high school or after you graduate college then I'm sure you would rather wait for him instead of dating some guy with no brains and no direction in life while you are a sophomore in high school just to keep up appearances.
So to answer your question, there is no right answer. The Bible doesn't give a specific age for when you can start dating. Sometimes I wish it did. But honestly, I am glad it doesn't. This is the time in your life that need trust your parents' decisions and pray for God's direction. Even the smallest decision like, "Should I go out with him?" or "Should I wear this to the party?" or "Should I go there if I know he is going to be there?" could alter your life dramatically. God gave you a good head on your shoulders. Use it!

I hope these answers were helpful to you. If you have any of your own that you would like me to answer, just comment on this post. Or if it's a more personal question, you can send me an email to the email address that is in my bio. I would love to answer your questions and I would love to hear from you.

Have a really great weekend everyone!

Friday, 23 May 2014

15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 3

So this is the last installment of my 3-part post "15 Things to Do When You're Sad". I hope this mini-series has been a help to you.

11. Unplug
What I mean by "unplug" is turn off the TV. Turn off the radio, your laptop, your phone, and whatever other electronics you have that you use as some form of entertainment. Anything that makes noise, turn it off (unless it's an air conditioner and it's, like, 300° in your room, then you can keep that on). Sometimes it's best to just have quiet. Sometimes you just need to sit and think in silence before you can have any peace. 
12. Take a shower: 
Okay, so maybe this might be the weirdest one yet, but that is to be expected considering I am such a strange person. A nice, relaxing shower is calming to me. Take off your makeup. Wash your face and your hair. Use your favourite scented body wash and your most moisturizing lotion. Just feeling clean and refreshed is so relaxing and it makes me feel so much better. And, if you really want to splurge, give yourself a bubble bath!
13. Take a nap: 
When I cry a lot, which happens quite often because I am very dramatic at times, my eyes get extremely irritated and I get a headache. And when that happens the only thing to make my headache go away is sleeping. Taking an hour-long nap isn't the greatest idea, though, because sleeping for such a long time in the middle of the day will leave you feeling groggy and more miserable.
14. Eat your favourite snack:
I probably didn't need to tell you this one because we all do it anyway when we are sad (unless that's just me and my best friend, then that would mean that I totally misread you). I always hide a snack or two in my room somewhere (and don't tell anyone because I know my siblings will tear my room apart in search of my Nutella.) to save for a bad day.
I'm definitely a "stress-eater" when I get upset, which is probably not the greatest thing to be. But I can tell you that after I have some Starburst jelly beans that I feel so much better.

 15. Watch your favourite movie:
I don't really have a favourite movie because I am incredibly indecisive, but I do have several movies that I absolutely love and could watch over and over again (and I have). I love Pride and Prejudice (2005 version), The Avengers, Anne of Green Gables, Tangled, Frozen, Courageous, and The Bourne Legacy. I pretty much know every line of all of these movies and I could probably act the movies out by myself as each of the characters if I wanted to. And if I am really in the mood for some really stupid humor, I will watch Napoleon Dynamite (don't even ask why I think that movie is absolutely hilarious. I think a lot of dumb things are funny.). Even though I can sing every line of every song from Tangled without the subtitles and I a can repeat ever line that Mr. Darcy says to Elisabeth Bennett with the most skillfully artificial British accent I still love to watch these movies because it takes my mind off my sad situation for a while.

I hope that this mini-series has helped you. Everyone has bad days but you don't have to let a bad day ruin your whole week. I want to know how these ideas have helped you and you can always let me know what you do when you're sad to make your day better. Just let me know in the comments what you think!

Just one more point. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." 
Sometimes you really do just need a good, long cry. But you can't let your emotions take control of your life. 

I hope you all have an amazing weekend! 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence

Media contradicts itself so often. It sets unwritten laws and unspoken standards for teen girls to achieve by idolizing singers, movie stars, and models. A majority of these celebrities go to unreasonable lengths to reach their goal weight, and they spend extreme amounts of money on clothes and makeup. But then they say things like this:

"Be yourself",  she says, but she is the one are causing drama in Holywood for more attention.

"You don't need a man to make you happy", she encourages when is the working on her third broken marriage or starting her fifth new relationship.

"Be comfortable in your skin", she promotes as she is crash dieting or  getting all of her magazine cover photos Photo Shopped so they look "perfect".

"It's okay if you're not popular", she posts to her fan page with 1.2 million  followers.

Of course no "ordinary" teen girl can be just as "perfect" and "flawless" as these celebrities.  But why would you want to be when you can be you?! Have you ever thought about the fact that God made only one of you and He designed you for a special purpose that NO ONE in the entire world can do. How cool is that!

Don't think things like this.

"I don't look like her."

So what? You get to look like you. You can do your hair the way you want to. You can wear your makeup the way you want to or you can choose to wear no makeup at all. You can wear your favourite pair of Converse with that dress if you want to. It's your style. Take care of yourself. Your body is Christ's temple. And guess what. You get to dress yourself in a way that pleases God, not all those girls with the designer clothes and high-end makeup. And since God made you to be you, you get to chose what your style looks like! No other girl can tell you that you need to wear makeup, or that you have to wear 40 inch stillettos to prom. As long as what you wear pleases God, you should feel comfortable and confident when you wear it! It's like a never ending cycle of awesomeness!

"She is better at that than I am."

She may have an amazing singing voice, but can she juggle a soccer ball for five minutes straight like you can? Probably not. She may be an excellent artist, but she probably can't write that amazing poem that you wrote but are too shy to show to anyone. Just because you don't have the same talents as someone else doesn't mean that your talents are any less amazing. Work at developing your talents and find some way to use them to honour God.

"All the boys are always hanging out with her and she already has a boyfriend!"

Well, this is just my opinion, but honestly, I don't think you need a boyfriend in high school. I didn't have one and I still made it out alive and happy and I'm not an antisocial recluse (okay that last may not be true, but work with me here!). What I'm trying to say is that you don't need a boyfriend to help your self esteem. Jesus is so much better.

Instead of having these thoughts running through your head all the time, try replacing them with these thoughts instead. This is my list of 10 ways to boost your confidence:

1. Don't compare yourself to anyone else: You aren't supposed to be like them or look like them and that is just fine. You are supposed to be you! Embrace it. You are beautiful no matter what.
2. Smile and laugh often: Not only will laughing and smiling lift your mood they make everyone else around you happy, too (unless, of course, they are absolutely miserable, then there is probably no hope for them. Just kidding!). Every girl looks radiant when she is smiling! (Proverbs 17:22)
3. Try to be a better person today then you were yesterday: Instead of trying to be better then someone else or being just like someone else, try being better then yourself! Challenge yourself to be better. You can do it!
4. Encourage someone else: Why not? If you see someone having a rough day or having a hard time, encourage them. Making other people happy makes me happy, too.
5. Go without makeup (or use minimal makeup) for a day: Be comfortable in your skin. It's okay if your skin isn't flawless because, honestly, most people don't have perfect skin. Wash your face and just embrace a clean, bare, refreshed face.
6. Listen to happy music: Listen to upbeat, encouraging music and sing at the top of your lungs. I don't care if you're completely tone-deaf. Sing loud!
7. Work at developing your talents: You have special talents that can only get better at them the more you practice.
8. Wear comfortable clothes: Wear an outfit that you feel comfortable because you like it, not to impress anyone else. Also, wear something that actually feels comfortable. If you can't move in your jeans because they are too tight, don't wear them just because that is the style. If you can't sit comfortably in your clothes then you will probably be miserable.
9. Eat something healthy: If you normally don't eat extremely healthy food eating fresh veggies or a bunch of fresh fruit will make you feel more alert and awake.
10: Don't put others down: Putting other people down won't make you look stronger. Be strong and be kind.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 2

Bad days happen from time to time, but you can make the best of them. Here is part two of my three-part post, 15 Things to Do When You're Sad.
6. Have a nice cup of tea: 
I think I'm a little bit obsessed with any kind of
tea. I have boxes and bags full of all different flavoured tea in my room. So, yeah, maybe I do love tea a lot and I drink it all the time, but that doesn't mean that having a nice, hot cup of tea (in my owl mug of course) will ever get boring. If you don't like tea, coffee or cocoa will be, great too! 
7. Pray: 
Sometimes the hardest thing to do when I'm sad is pray when it really should be the easiest. Sometimes I think, "Well no one else cares. Why would God care?" And that is the worst possible mindset to have. I heard a quote once that said, "Prayer doesn't change the mind of God; it changes the heart of man." God already knows your situation and how it's
going to turn out in the end, but He wants you to tell Him everything: all the things you need, everything you're feeling, everything you're dealing with. 
Honestly for me, once I start praying and unloading my burden from off my shoulders and on to God's, it gets so much easier to keep talking to Him and that's the way it should be.
8. Hobbies:
If you have a hobby that you really enjoy, do it even when you're in a not-so-good mood. It's good to have some source of an outlet--something that you can pour all those emotions into and an activity that will help you releive stress. Take soccer, for instance. If you're really mad, just practice focusing all that anger and aggression on that soccer ball instead of another person. If you play an instrument take your emotions and use them to inspire a new song. If you're a writer, journal how you feel. Use your descriptions of your emotions to inspire a character's emotions or to inspire the tone of your poem. Instead of letting your feelings get the better of you, take control of them and use them constructively do become better at the things you love.

9: Text or email a friend/mentor: 
Sometimes this is the first thing that I do when I'm upset. I text my best friend. And let's just say that I am the fastest "texter" ever when I'm 
upset. It's okay to just "let off some steam", but just make sure you don't hurt anyone else in the process. Sometimes when we are not happy, we say things that will hurt other people even if we don't mean what we say. I say "we" because I am at fault at times, too. 
But talking things out with someone about how you feel will definitely make you feel more at ease. It may not help the situation but it will give you the encouragement that you need. Plus you can always count on a close friend to give you good advice. 
Maybe you don't have someone you trust or maybe you don't think anyone will understand your situation. Maybe you just don't want anyone you know to criticize you. If you need someone to talk to me. You can email me to my special email address . I can't guarantee that I will always have the best answer or give you the greatest advice, but I can promise that I will always offer encouragement and prayer. So don't be shy to email me. It can be the smallest thing, like maybe you need advice on what to spend your summer doing. Or it could be something more difficult, like maybe you're being bullied. It doesn't matter to me what you need help with because everyone always needs advice on some things. Nothing is too little or insignificant for me to care about. And if you have a friend who is struggling you can give them my email, too.
10. Even if you don't like reading, you really should take some time to read something. It's good for the mind. And by "reading" I don't mean checking Facebook or Twitter. That doesn't count! 
Read something edifying. Read a book, a magazine, or you favourite blog (like this one. Just kidding!). Learning new things or reading really exciting stories always makes me feel better, and I hope it will do the same for you! 

I hope these 5 things help you. And if you haven't done so already check out my previous post "15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 1". 
I will be posting part 3 soon! 

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

Monday, 5 May 2014

15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 1

Some days you are just having a rough day. You're sad because someone started a horrible rumor about you. You're mad because your boyfriend cheated on you. You're stressed because you have crazy finals coming up. You're worried because your parents are starting to talk about divorce. Whatever it is that is ruining your mood isn't fun and sometimes you just need something to lift your spirits and get away from all of the noise and the stress. I've compiled a list of fifteen things that I do whenever I am having a really bad day. You may think that some of these things are really weird and that's okay, because I am really weird. But maybe they will help to make your day better. I've split this list into three parts because it was really long so today I am just going to list 5 of the 15 things.

1. Read your favourite verse or passage of Scripture: 
This is kind of hard for me to do sometimes because I get so easily sidetracked. When something bad happens, I tend to be preoccupied on the situation instead of being focussed on the One Who can fix it. My favourite chapter to read when I am not in a good mood is Psalm 139. It's really encouraging to me. It reminds me pretty much in every verse how much God cares about every little thing that I do, every thing that I am feeling, everywhere that I go, every little detail of my life. It's great to know that even when I feel as though no one cares how I feel, that God does.
Whatever your favourite verse or chapter is, read it. Maybe you don't have a favourite verse. Well, I would encourage you to find one so you can always pull it out, like I do, on a bad day.
2. Go for a run or workout:
I don't usually get to go running that much because my schedule doesn't allow for it, but when I do get to run I feel so much more awake and refreshed. If I don't have the opportunity to run then I will instead do some yoga. Yoga really relaxes me and releases stess. Find some sort of physical activity that works for you. Not only will exercising lift your mood, but it is also obviously good for your health.
3. Listen to encouraging and uplifting music:
I don't know why this is true, but when my friends are in a bad mood they will listen to really depressing, sad music. I'm guilty of this too sometimes. Why do we do this? I don't know. Maybe I feel like the songwriter understands me. But it never makes me feel better.
So what I have done is created a playlist on my phone (because I'm too cool to have an iPod) with my favourite songs--songs with great lyrics and upbeat instrumental accompaniment. 
You should do it too so you will always have something quick to turn on when you're feeling down. Plus you will know exactlty what song you need to hear at exactly the right time. 
4. Write down things that make you happy:
Maybe it's just me because I'm weird, but I just like writing things down and making lists. It helps me think better and it helps me remember things. So instead of dwelling on sad thoughts, I challenge myself to see how many things I can think of that make me happy. One time I listed almost 120 things that I love. That list included really simple things like these: 
1. Long hugs
2. Chai tea
3. Good hair days
4. The sound of rain when I'm sleeping
5. Texting
6. Flowy skirts
7. Getting a tan
8. Acoustic guitar
9. Being an inspiration to someone
10. Fangirling :)

You can even make your list really cute by adding pictures and using colourful pens (I'm not very artistic, though, so my list turned out to be really plain). Then when you're done, you will have a list of happy things to read anytime you are having a bad day.

5. Give someone a hug: 
I've noticed that whenever I'm upset or not feeling well I will sit on my bed and hug my pillow or stuffed animal (yes I'm 19 years old and I still have stuffed animals. Don't judge me!) It's almost an immediate reaction whenever I'm not feeling myself. Usually when 
I'm mad about something I don't want to be near anyone; but when I'm sad, all I want to do is hug my mom or my best friend after
a long, hard day. Just a 10 second hug relieves so much tension. It makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. 

So if you are having a bad day or rough week I would encourage you to do one of these things.Just try them. Maybe these won't work
for you. But don't worry. I still have 10 more coming up in my next to blog posts! I hope your day gets better and also let me know in the comments if these helped your day go better or let me know what you do when you are having a bad day. I would love to hear what you all think! 
Have a lovely day! 

Friday, 2 May 2014


Before I say anything stupid (which is bound to happen in the future) I just want to say thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoy and you are inspired from it even though I kind of live a simple, mediocre life.
I was inspired to start this blog honestlt by being on Pinterest (where I spend way too much of my free time). This blog is designed for teen girls (or even guys) to find great advice for the tough issues that are going on in their lives. Some advice that I give is going to be from my own personal experience and some will be from wisdom that I have gained through people I trust and from mentors in my life.
So since I am a Christian I havr decided that there should be a theme verse for this blog and that verse is :

Psalms  139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

This verse has been such an encouragement to me throughout my years in middle school and all through high school as well. It's taught me that even when I feel worthless I'm not. God doesn't make anything worthless.

I will try to post at least once a week but I can't make any promises that I will be perfectly consistent. If you have any ideas for a post that you would like me to do just mention it in the comments and, who knows, I just might do my next blog post to answer your questions.

I entitled this blog "beYOUtiful" because you are all so beautiful when you are YOU! Don't try to be someone else because you are already amazing just the way you are. There can never be a more beautiful YOU!