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Friday, 23 May 2014

15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 3

So this is the last installment of my 3-part post "15 Things to Do When You're Sad". I hope this mini-series has been a help to you.

11. Unplug
What I mean by "unplug" is turn off the TV. Turn off the radio, your laptop, your phone, and whatever other electronics you have that you use as some form of entertainment. Anything that makes noise, turn it off (unless it's an air conditioner and it's, like, 300° in your room, then you can keep that on). Sometimes it's best to just have quiet. Sometimes you just need to sit and think in silence before you can have any peace. 
12. Take a shower: 
Okay, so maybe this might be the weirdest one yet, but that is to be expected considering I am such a strange person. A nice, relaxing shower is calming to me. Take off your makeup. Wash your face and your hair. Use your favourite scented body wash and your most moisturizing lotion. Just feeling clean and refreshed is so relaxing and it makes me feel so much better. And, if you really want to splurge, give yourself a bubble bath!
13. Take a nap: 
When I cry a lot, which happens quite often because I am very dramatic at times, my eyes get extremely irritated and I get a headache. And when that happens the only thing to make my headache go away is sleeping. Taking an hour-long nap isn't the greatest idea, though, because sleeping for such a long time in the middle of the day will leave you feeling groggy and more miserable.
14. Eat your favourite snack:
I probably didn't need to tell you this one because we all do it anyway when we are sad (unless that's just me and my best friend, then that would mean that I totally misread you). I always hide a snack or two in my room somewhere (and don't tell anyone because I know my siblings will tear my room apart in search of my Nutella.) to save for a bad day.
I'm definitely a "stress-eater" when I get upset, which is probably not the greatest thing to be. But I can tell you that after I have some Starburst jelly beans that I feel so much better.

 15. Watch your favourite movie:
I don't really have a favourite movie because I am incredibly indecisive, but I do have several movies that I absolutely love and could watch over and over again (and I have). I love Pride and Prejudice (2005 version), The Avengers, Anne of Green Gables, Tangled, Frozen, Courageous, and The Bourne Legacy. I pretty much know every line of all of these movies and I could probably act the movies out by myself as each of the characters if I wanted to. And if I am really in the mood for some really stupid humor, I will watch Napoleon Dynamite (don't even ask why I think that movie is absolutely hilarious. I think a lot of dumb things are funny.). Even though I can sing every line of every song from Tangled without the subtitles and I a can repeat ever line that Mr. Darcy says to Elisabeth Bennett with the most skillfully artificial British accent I still love to watch these movies because it takes my mind off my sad situation for a while.

I hope that this mini-series has helped you. Everyone has bad days but you don't have to let a bad day ruin your whole week. I want to know how these ideas have helped you and you can always let me know what you do when you're sad to make your day better. Just let me know in the comments what you think!

Just one more point. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." 
Sometimes you really do just need a good, long cry. But you can't let your emotions take control of your life. 

I hope you all have an amazing weekend! 

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