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Thursday 15 May 2014

15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 2

Bad days happen from time to time, but you can make the best of them. Here is part two of my three-part post, 15 Things to Do When You're Sad.
6. Have a nice cup of tea: 
I think I'm a little bit obsessed with any kind of
tea. I have boxes and bags full of all different flavoured tea in my room. So, yeah, maybe I do love tea a lot and I drink it all the time, but that doesn't mean that having a nice, hot cup of tea (in my owl mug of course) will ever get boring. If you don't like tea, coffee or cocoa will be, great too! 
7. Pray: 
Sometimes the hardest thing to do when I'm sad is pray when it really should be the easiest. Sometimes I think, "Well no one else cares. Why would God care?" And that is the worst possible mindset to have. I heard a quote once that said, "Prayer doesn't change the mind of God; it changes the heart of man." God already knows your situation and how it's
going to turn out in the end, but He wants you to tell Him everything: all the things you need, everything you're feeling, everything you're dealing with. 
Honestly for me, once I start praying and unloading my burden from off my shoulders and on to God's, it gets so much easier to keep talking to Him and that's the way it should be.
8. Hobbies:
If you have a hobby that you really enjoy, do it even when you're in a not-so-good mood. It's good to have some source of an outlet--something that you can pour all those emotions into and an activity that will help you releive stress. Take soccer, for instance. If you're really mad, just practice focusing all that anger and aggression on that soccer ball instead of another person. If you play an instrument take your emotions and use them to inspire a new song. If you're a writer, journal how you feel. Use your descriptions of your emotions to inspire a character's emotions or to inspire the tone of your poem. Instead of letting your feelings get the better of you, take control of them and use them constructively do become better at the things you love.

9: Text or email a friend/mentor: 
Sometimes this is the first thing that I do when I'm upset. I text my best friend. And let's just say that I am the fastest "texter" ever when I'm 
upset. It's okay to just "let off some steam", but just make sure you don't hurt anyone else in the process. Sometimes when we are not happy, we say things that will hurt other people even if we don't mean what we say. I say "we" because I am at fault at times, too. 
But talking things out with someone about how you feel will definitely make you feel more at ease. It may not help the situation but it will give you the encouragement that you need. Plus you can always count on a close friend to give you good advice. 
Maybe you don't have someone you trust or maybe you don't think anyone will understand your situation. Maybe you just don't want anyone you know to criticize you. If you need someone to talk to me. You can email me to my special email address . I can't guarantee that I will always have the best answer or give you the greatest advice, but I can promise that I will always offer encouragement and prayer. So don't be shy to email me. It can be the smallest thing, like maybe you need advice on what to spend your summer doing. Or it could be something more difficult, like maybe you're being bullied. It doesn't matter to me what you need help with because everyone always needs advice on some things. Nothing is too little or insignificant for me to care about. And if you have a friend who is struggling you can give them my email, too.
10. Even if you don't like reading, you really should take some time to read something. It's good for the mind. And by "reading" I don't mean checking Facebook or Twitter. That doesn't count! 
Read something edifying. Read a book, a magazine, or you favourite blog (like this one. Just kidding!). Learning new things or reading really exciting stories always makes me feel better, and I hope it will do the same for you! 

I hope these 5 things help you. And if you haven't done so already check out my previous post "15 Things to Do When You're Sad: Part 1". 
I will be posting part 3 soon! 

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

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